Friday, August 12, 2011


Preorder 2 STATUS

16/8/11-Package held by customs,sent to HSA.
Going to call HSA and see whether I can get the Package back:(
17/8/11-Only non powered lenses can be collected back.Going down to HSA on fri to see what I can do.

19/8/11-Went down to HSA.the officer gave two choices.
1)They seize everything.
2)They seize then ship back to EOS.
Chose the second option.I have emailed EOS regarding the refunds but they say refund cannot be made as they have produced the lenses.I will wait till this thing(Confiscation of lenses) simmer down first before asking EOS to ship it back to me again.Please understand,thank you.
No refunds will be made during this period as EOS is not refunding me.

3/9/11-If you can't risk buying lenses online,don't bother to order because it WILL get confiscated at this point of time.
News and papers already reported about buying and selling lenses online.The lenses are sent back to EOS by HSA.


Delivery Status for your EMS

DateStatusPost office/AirportDetails
11:25 11-Aug-2011Posting/CollectionYI.SUJI
Posting office zip code : 448846
Destination country : SINGAPORE
14:57 11-Aug-2011Arrival at outward office of exchangeINTERNATIONAL POST OFFICE
15:48 11-Aug-2011Departure from outward office of exchangeINTERNATIONAL POST OFFICE
Dispatch number : 698
20:33 11-Aug-2011Handed over to Air carrierINCHEON
21:03 11-Aug-2011Received by Air carrierINCHEON
23:37 11-Aug-2011Departure from AirportINCHEON
Flight date : 23:10 Thu 11 Aug 2011 (KST)
Flight number : KE359
04:22 12-Aug-2011Airrival at Destination AirportSINGAPORE
05:32 12-Aug-2011Delivered to Destination AirportSINGAPORE
01:31 13-Aug-2011Arrival at inward office of exchangeSGSIND
12:44 13-Aug-2011Handed over to CustomsSGSIND
Customs retention reason : Articles whose importation is subject to restrictions - import license

Shipment History

 Date and TimeLocationStatusReason
13/08/2011 12:44
Sent to Control Agency
13/08/2011 01:31
Processing at Sorting Centre